Meet Heather
I grew up in northern Wisconsin on the coast of Lake Superior. I’ve always been curious about the world around me and loved being outside in nature. This curiosity and passion for the environment led to me earning a Bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Wisconsin Superior in 2005. My husband, Amos, and I moved to Byron in 2006. We share a home with our amazing daughter, Gabby, our tortoise (Yoda), and our two tree frogs (Luca and Alberto). I have worked in my current position in a research lab for over 17 years. In total, I have over two decades of experience working in various fields of scientific research ranging from coral reef ecology to agriculture to medical research. Our family is involved deeply in our community. I currently serve on the school board for Byron Public Schools. Amos is a firefighter with the Byron Fire Department, and all three of us serve on the Diversity and Inclusion Council in Byron. We are proud to call southeastern Minnesota our home (even if there are no natural lakes down here)!
Our Campaign Values
Growing up in the Midwest, I was always taught that you help take care of your neighbors. You welcome people into your home and make space for them. I see this playing out in our communities all the time: the way we help shovel out our neighbors’ driveways or lend a hand pushing a vehicle stuck in the snow, rally around a family during tragedy, and celebrate each other’s achievements. We donate to our schools and local charities and volunteer in our communities. It is this spirit of community that I wish to take with me to St. Paul. A budget reflects the values of the people who set it. Our communities take care of each other, and our state’s budget should mirror those values and take care of the people in this state. We in Minnesota can be an example for the rest of the country on what a caring and compassionate economy that works for everyone looks like. We can demonstrate what a welcoming and inclusive democracy looks like. We can support families and help small businesses thrive. We can ensure family farms are able to continue providing food for our communities. For too long, rural communities have felt left out of the conversation. I understand and will advocate for the issues affecting our district, and make sure everyone feels like they have a seat at the table. Pull up a chair and lets get to work!
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